October 26, 2023

Decorah Dunning Springs Engagement Session

Brinna and Sam’s Decorah Dunning Springs Engagement Session

You might be surprised by this Decorah Dunning springs engagement Session. Because, Iowa might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of adventurous locations and breathtaking views. However, Northern Iowa is full of hidden gems. One of those gems is Decorah, home to cliffs, natural springs, hiking paths, and stunning views of trees, bluffs, and waterfalls.

When Brinna and Sam mentioned they wanted their engagement session in Decorah, I was thrilled. I travel there a few times a year—it’s just over an hour away—and every visit is as magical as the last.

We began their engagement session at Sam’s family farm in Lawler, Iowa, where he works with his dad and uncle. Incorporating family property into photos is always special, and the lighting and weather that day were perfect.

After the Farm

After capturing some beautiful moments on the farm, we headed to Decorah. During the drive, it started to rain, but by the time we arrived, the rain had stopped. A dreamy fog had settled over the springs, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Spending time with Brinna and Sam was a joy. I loved getting to know them as a couple. When I asked Brinna about their relationship and personalities here’s what she said; “pretty laid back but also anxious, if that makes any sense, haha! We’re BIG people pleasers, which is good and bad. I’m very sarcastic, and usually, Sam just takes it, haha! Sam has an all-in type of personality! Heck, on our third date, he told me he loved me!! (I didn’t say it back, haha, and he still gives me crap for it)!”

I’m so excited for Brinna and Sam’s wedding in 2024! This Decorah Dunning Springs engagement session was just the beginning of their beautiful journey together.



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